Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April showers bring May flowers...

Time is flying by! Now April has arrived. We are actually down to about 25 days of preschool left this year! I can definitely tell how much they have grown and learned this year. I know most of the kids are attending pre-k/kindergarten roundup this week to get ready for next year. Many of them keep talking about how excited they are for that roundup day so we had to add it to our calendar! We worked on letter Ll last week and also completed our weather study. I'm sure many of you heard how excited they were about weather (especially tornadoes) at home. We watched a few weather clips and videos online and they LOVED watching those. We had some fun reading my favorite book, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. The students got to create their own page for our classroom Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs book. They got to decide what kind of food weather they wanted to have. I will put this together in a book so that they can look at it in our reading library. They had some pretty clever ideas!

Our small groups last week were making a flower craft (that you'll see in your surprise at the end of the year), working our our monthly name page practice, and making a graph with different types of weather that we like or didn't like. It was a great way to work on more/less skills.

As our year winds down, things seem to get quite busy!! There will be no school next Friday on Good Friday and Tulip Time will be here before we know it. Reminder: morning class will march in the afternoon parade on Thurs. May 1st and the afternoon class will march on Saturday, May 3rd. Please let me know if your student will not be marching with us or needs to switch days. I'm hoping to make a list that I can use to help us make sure we have everyone on those days. Our last day of preschool is on Thursday, May 22nd. Our graduation ceremonies will happen on that day. Final times have not been set yet but I'm guessing it will be pretty similar to the Christmas program schedule (a little earlier in the morning/afternoon since it takes longer though). Madison's track and field day will be on the May 23rd and that is optional for preschool. It will be during the middle of the day (10-2ish) so there will not be normal preschool hours so morning and afternoon classes will be together if you choose to attend. We will also be working on plans for a field trip before the end of our year too. Not much time left but we have LOTS of fun yet!

Watching our weather videos.

Working hard on making our new class book.

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